Monday, February 7, 2011

Another thoughtful response to "If I ran an editorial page"

I have received another editor's thoughtful response to my analysis "If I ran an editorial page", and with her kind permission am reprinting it here.


The Gazette-Times' editorials result from a consultation among three editorial board members. We meet almost every week, and although we don't always agree on local issues, we reach an agreement that manages to include aspects of the issue and reach a conclusion.

There is no royal "we"; it's two editors and our circulation manager.

I wouldn't buy a newspaper whose editorial page did nothing more than raise questions.

Also, when a newspaper reveals its editors' own take on controversial issues, that keeps it honest. It allows readers to decide just how fairly we're reporting an issue in our news pages when they know how we feel about it from the position we've take on the editorial page.

This is most relevant because we focus as much as possible in letters and editorials on local matters, and I'm not at all shy about saying that our newspapers -- and newspapers in general -- continue to be the go-to source for local news that is so often ripped off by "aggregate" internet news sites, the radio and even other publications.

We don't know everything, but the issues of Corvallis and Benton County concern us the most.

That makes it important that we remain relevant to our readers, which includes having our clearly stated opinion. They're never shy about letting us know when they disagree.


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