A Larsonian explanation of “entanglement”?
Paul F. deLespinasse
Author’s note: This
tentative analysis is work in
progress. I put it forward for discussion and criticism.
The theoretical universe of Dewey B. Larson rests on a scalar
space-time progression that, in the
context of a 3-dimensional Space Arrested Reference System (SARS) or a
3-dimensional Time Arrested Reference System (TARS), moves “outward” at the speed of light. A SARS is established by material atoms
whose motions cancel the outward progression of space and form aggregates. A TARS is established by cosmic atoms whose
motions cancel the outward progression of time and form aggregates.
In the Larsonian universe what we conventionally regard as
“space” is nothing more than locations in a Space Arrested Reference
System. As in Einstein’s
universe, nothing can change its
location in this “space” faster than the speed of light.
Entangled photons, however,
appear to “communicate” with each other instantly no matter how widely
they are separated. This is considered
something that cannot be explained since it appears to violate the speed of
light limit accepted by Einstein and Larson.
When a photon originates from a location in space, in Larson’s system it does not change its
location in space-time but is swept outward at the speed of light relative to a SARS centered on the material
aggregate from which it originated. The
direction in the three-dimensional SARS taken by a particular photon is
determined by probability considerations.
Two photons originating simultaneously at the same space
location and therefore possibly entangled will therefore remain at the same
location in the space-time progression no matter how widely separated they
become in the context of a Space Arrested Reference System. There is therefore no need for them to
“communicate” through the SARS, and no violation of the speed of light limit
for such communications, since they remain in the same location in the
space-time progression.
Comment: It is unclear to me how this explanation of
entangled photons, if it is correct, could apply to entanglement of particles which have mass, since in the
Larsonian system such particles do change their locations relative to the
progression, unlike photons which remain in the same location in the
progression and are swept along relative to a SARS or TARS by the
speed-of-light progression.